Department Directory
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Department of Administration
The Department of Administration provides a variety of services to support the tribal government and tribal membership and has the responsibility to ensure that all tribal programs are in compliance with federal, state, local, and tribal regulations, both financially and administratively.
Department of Business
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Economic Development program transitioned to The Department of Business in 2018 upon the recommendation of the Executive Office and action by the Legislature and Tribal Council. The Department continues to operate by the guiding principles set out in the Tribes’ 2017-2021 CEDS Plan.
Department of Enrollment
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Enrollment processes enrollment applications for tribal membership, issues Tribal Identification Cards and Paper CDIBs, along with a variety of other tasks related to the enrollment of tribal members. Appointments required. The Burial Program is housed under the enrollment department.
Department of Education
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Department of Education (CADOE) strives to address the educational and cultural needs of tribal members of all ages. CADOE was built on the premise of developing and incorporating educational curriculum that integrate Cheyenne and Arapaho culture ways with academics.
Department of Health
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Department of Health's mission is to enhance the health and wellness of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and Native American communities by providing compassionate, comprehensive, and holistic approaches to healthcare through advocacy, education an awareness.
Department of Housing
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Housing (CATDOH)’s mission is to provide affordable, safe, and decent housing to income-eligible Native American families, while promoting self-sufficiency through employment, education and economic stability.
Department of Labor
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Labor addresses the deplorable rate of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment that exist among the Native People and safeguards the interest of the Tribes, enhances the sovereignty of the Tribes, and exercise stewardship over those resources committed to it.
Department of Language and Culture
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Language Program serves as the keeper of our languages by providing everyone the opportunity to experience and embrace a part of being Tsistsistas and Hinono’ei. As we recognize the importance of the Cheyenne and Arapaho languages, our goal is to continue working toward the revitalization and preservation of both languages.
Department of Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Department description coming soon...
Department of Social Services
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Social Services administers the General Assistance Program, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), the Food Vouchers Program, and the Individual Indian Money (IIM) Supervised Accounts Program.
Department of Transportation
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Transportation addresses the critical needs for access to transportation, providing a safe mode of transportation and improving the mobility of Tribal members, with limited access to transportation, across the Tribes' service area.
Department of Treasury
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Treasury Department focuses on the Tribes’ financial and economic systems. As part of this oversight, the Treasury Department is comprised of the Accounts Payable office, the Financial Office, the Office of Internal Audit, the Payroll office, the Per Capita office, and the Tax Commission.
Department of Labor
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Department of Labor addresses the deplorable rate of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment that exist among the Native People and safeguards the interest of the Tribes, enhances the sovereignty of the Tribes, and exercise stewardship over those resources committed to it.