EPA-Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency

The mission of the Tribal EPA Program is to protect and conserve all tribal natural resources, andprotect and improve the health of the tribal citizens. The program will striveto work hand-in-hand with tribal departments and programs, other federalagencies, local and state, to make a visible difference in communitiesthroughout the tribal service area.
Goal# 1: The Tribal EPA Program will provide services to address environmentalissues that affect natural resources.
Objective #1 Plan and schedule solid waste collection events that helps the waste stream intribal communities.
Objective #2 Plan and schedule water sampling activities for pollution measures to ensurewater protection.
Objective #1 Plan and schedule air emissions inventory to research air pollution emittingfacilities.
Goal# 2 The Tribal EPA Program will provide life and safety measures toimprove the health of tribal members and the public.
Objective # 1 Collectdata and analyze that may be harmful to health of tribal members and thepublic.
Objective # 1 Research and perform field activities to address hazardous health issues.
Objective # 1 Contact environmental professionals and EPA Region 6 for solutions that can beimplemented for protecting life and safety.
Goal# 3 The Tribal EPA Program will meet regularly with departments and programs toshare program information.
Objective # 1Sharingphoto reports, maps, and research activities to DOA, Executive Branch, andLegislative Branch. Sharing the end ofyear reports to the tribal members.