
Our mission statement is "through compassion and acquisition of skills, we empower indigenous families to achieve occupational and educational prosperity"

Last updated Apr 15, 2024
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“Through compassion and acquisition of skills, we empower indigenous families to achieve occupational and educational prosperity.” – DREAMS Mission Statement

To increase the effectiveness of employment and training programs the Tribes merged Adult Education program and Employment and Training Program to DREAMS as authorized per Public Law 102-477.

Through the Department of Interior, Public Law 102-477 distributes all funding based on the following grants and contracts: U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) P.L. 93:638, Job Placement & Training (JP&T) and Adult Education (AED), and Health and Human Services – Native Employment Works (HHS-NEW). The services provided by these grants and contracts include employment opportunities, career development, training services, employment retention services, and follow up services.

Through positive motivation, we encourage participants to develop an educational base they can build upon to achieve success for their family, their future and themselves.

DREAMS Program services include:

Education Services:
  • GED – General Education Diploma
  • LIT – Literacy Education
  • ABE – Adult Basic Education
  • WE – Work Experience
  • SYS – Summer Youth Services
  • Job Placement & Training
  • WRS – Workplace Readiness Skills
  • DEA – Direct Employment Assistance
  • Career Development
  • Driver’s License Reimbursement
Training Services:
  • AVT – Adult Vocational Training
  • OST – Occupational Skills Training
Community Program Services:
  • Parenting Skills
  • Life Skills
  • ESAL – Education for Senior Adult Learners

DREAMS Application Requirements:

Each applicant will be required to complete a one-on-one Intake Interview when determining eligibility for assistance. Our Intake Interviews average at about 15 minutes, times may vary depending on services requested.

DREAMS provides supplemental funding for training and employment needs.

OUT OF SERVICE AREA TRIBAL MEMBERS may be eligible for assistance if funding is available. Same application process applies.

**Effective Immediately**

All Direct Employment Assistance applicants must submit application within 24 hours of hire date. To ensure prompt service before first paycheck, any other required documents (Employment Verification, Survey of Needs, Residence Verification, etc.) must be submitted to the DREAMS Office within 72 hours of application submission.

To begin application, please print Central Intake Form and Privacy Statement in the "Files" section below.

Applicants must submit the required documentation with their application:

  1. Copy of CDIB
  2. Copy of second ID (could be Driver’s License, SS card, birth certificate [youth only])
  3. Proof of Residence – (utility bill: water bill, electric bill, gas bill, etc.)
  4. Proof of income – (a pay stub from within the past six months, TANF benefits page, income tax.)
  5. Copy of High School Diploma/GED equivalent
  6. Copy of any training credential or college transcript
  7. Proof of selective service (males 18+). Go to https://www.sss.gov/ and click on Check Registration. Click on Verify Now. Enter your information in the Online Registration Search grid.

*Above documents are necessary to complete application, regardless of services requested.

Additional documents needed for training assistance

  • Print Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)
  • Print Training Self-Assessment

Additional documents needed for Direct Employment Assistance (DEA)

  • Print Employment Verification Form
  • Print Survey of Needs

Additional documents needed for Driver’s License Reimbursement

  • Print Driver’s License Reimbursement Request Form

Our Driver’s License Reimbursement services is based on eligibility and limited to one reimbursement per person, per lifetime.

Contact DREAMS Program

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes DREAMS Program
P.O. Box 67
Concho, OK 73022
Office: +1 (800) 247-4612 ext. 27662

Forms and Files

Form Name
Fill online
DREAMS Work Experience Packet
DREAMS Driver's License Reinstatement Packet
DREAMS Training Packet
DREAMS DEA Supportive Services Packet
DOL Central Intake-Referral Form-12022022
DREAMS Privacy Statement
DREAMS No Income Statement
DREAMS Residence Verification Form
Survey of Needs (Employment)
DREAMS AVT Financial Needs Analysis
REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT Drivers License re-vised
DREAMS Self-Assessment Packet
DREAMS Brownsfield Training APP
DREAMS Fiber Optic Training APP
DREAMS DEA-SS Date of Hire Employment Verification
DREAMS DEA-SS 90 Days Employment Verification
DREAMS DEA-SS 60 Days Employment Verification
DREAMS 30 Days GWH Employment Verification
Dreams Summer Youth Employer Job Request
DREAMS 1 Year GWH Employment Verification
DREAMS 6 Month GWH Employment Verification
Survey of Needs (Training)
Summer Youth Cheyenne and Arapaho Application


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